Topic: Weather/Tropical cyclones

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πŸ”— Mediterranean tropical like Storm Daniel

πŸ”— Disaster management πŸ”— Africa πŸ”— Greece πŸ”— Turkey πŸ”— Bulgaria πŸ”— Africa/Libya πŸ”— Weather πŸ”— Weather/Non-tropical storms πŸ”— Weather/Floods πŸ”— Weather/Weather πŸ”— Africa/Egypt πŸ”— Weather/Tropical cyclones

Storm Daniel, also known as Cyclone Daniel, was the deadliest Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone ever recorded as well as the deadliest weather event during 2023. It caused catastrophic damage in Libya and also affected parts of southeastern Europe. Forming as a low-pressure system around 4Β September 2023, the storm affected Greece, Bulgaria and also Turkey with extensive flooding. The storm then organized as a Mediterranean Low and was designated as Storm Daniel, in which it soon acquired quasi-tropical characteristics (TLC) and moved toward the coast of Libya, where it caused catastrophic flooding before degenerating into a remnant low. The storm was the result of an Omega block, as a high-pressure zone became sandwiched between two zones of low pressure, the isobars shaping a Greek letter Ξ©.

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